Make sure you perform an internet search to discover them, many which are usually free and some which price $$$$. I perform not really purport to own or have got any copyright to these pictures styles. Some of these images styles are usually 'owned' by other people. Please do your personal testing! This test should give you a quick summary of how these photos styles look as 'video clip' and not 'stills'. This is definitely by no means an all-inclusive test. Velvia by Giosi 1.0 Wagokoro-STD - Right here is a check of some popular 'Image Designs' for the Cannon DSLR. Oil Painting (Kevin Wang) Component III: 1. Matrix (Kevin Wang) 24.įilm (Kevin Wang) 25. 300 Warrior (Kevin Wang) 12.īW (Kevin Wang) 13. Crystal clear Panorama 10.īunch Amaryllis 11.